PROJECT: Morpheus


Morpheus is a desktop application that aims to facilitate the administrative work of hotel services as a hotel room management system. The system will also provide statistics and reports, constructed from the analysis of the details in the user-provided database. Most of the user interaction occurs via a CLI (Command Line Interface).

Summary of contributions

  • Major enhancement #1: implemented check-in/check-out command

    • What it does: This allows the user to check-in or check-out guest into the hotel.

    • Justification: It enables the user to keep track of which room is empty and which room is occupied.

    • Highlights: This enhancement is quite challenging since it is created in the early period which needs more planning.

  • Major enhancement #2: implemented extend command

    • What it does: This allows the user to extend the stay of guest.

    • Justification: Guest could probably extend stay if they wanted to. Without creating the bill for the previous stay, extend command allows it to be combined in the same bill.

  • Minor enhancement: Added booking ID implementation.

  • Code contributed: [Functional code & Test code]

  • Other contributions:

    • Project management:

      • Managed releases v1.3

      • Created several milestones on Github Page

      • Create and assign issue after discovery of bugs (Example: #249)

    • Documentation:

      • Update the User Guide accordingly #61

    • Community:

      • PRs reviewed (with non-trivial review comments): #80, #85, #175, #211, #223

      • Add checker script to make sure the code pass CI before they commit: #109

Contributions to the User Guide

Given below are sections I contributed to the User Guide. They showcase my ability to write documentation targeting end-users.

Checking in a guest: checkin (Daniel)

If you want to check in a guest to the hotel from the current date until the end-date, use the command checkin

Format: checkin i/ID rn/ROOM_NUMBER td/TO_DATE
or checkin bi/BOOKING_ID

BOOKING_ID could be shorten by taking only its first 8 characters.


  • checkin i/G1231231X rn/101 td/2020-12-14

  • checkin bi/a1b2c3d4

Result: Checks in guest with ID A000000 to room 001 until 2020-05-05. Room 001 will be marked as occupied.

Checking out a guest: checkout (Daniel)

If you want to check out a guest from the hotel, use the command checkout

Format: checkout rn/ROOM_NUMBER


  • checkout rn/003

Result: Checks out the guest from room 003. Room 003 will be marked as free.

Extend a stay for a guest: extend (Daniel)

If you want to extend your stay, use the command extend

Format: extend rn/ROOM_NUMBER td/TO_DATE


  • extend rn/101 td/2020-04-20

Result: Extend the stay of room 101 until 20th April 2020. Room 101 's stay will reflect the updated date.

- Room must be checked in before it can be extended.
- The extend period must not clash with other future reservation.

Contributions to the Developer Guide

Given below are sections I contributed to the Developer Guide. They showcase my ability to write technical documentation and the technical depth of my contributions to the project.

Reserve Command


This command makes a reservation under the specified guest’s name for the specified duration.

The following steps show how the Reserve command is implemented.

  1. The command from the user is tokenized and parsed.

  2. If there are no missing tokens, ReserveCommand#execute(Model model) is invoked which checks if guest ID, room ID exists in the database and if there are any clashes with other bookings.

  3. A new Booking object is created and added into the hotel database.

  4. If the above is successfully executed, this will return a CommandResult object to show a success message.

Design Considerations

Below describes ideas that were considered when designing the command.

  • Alternative 1 (current choice): Reservation is stored in 1 list.

    • Pros: Easy to loop through all reservation to make sure there is no clash between them.

    • Cons: Querying the schedule for a specific room require to iterate through all the reservation.

  • Alternative 2: Reservation store for each room.

    • Pros: Each room have their own schedule.

    • Cons: Harder to implement if we want to find an empty room for certain period of time.

Figure 1. Class Diagram for ReserveCommand
Figure 2. Sequence Diagram for ReserveCommand

Checkin Command

This command checks in guest either with a room number, guest’s name, and the end date of the stay. Or by providing the booking ID.


The following steps show how the CheckIn command is implemented.

  1. The command is parsed by CheckInCommandParser#parse(String args) into list of pattern there (room number, guest id, end date of the stay or booking id).

  2. If BOOKING_ID exists in the pattern, it will ignore the rest of the pattern and checkin using that booking id instead by creating CheckInByIdCommand

  3. The CheckInByIdCommand will invoke model#findBookingById(String BookigId) which will create a normal CheckInCommand

  4. CheckInCommand will call model#checkIn will be called.

  5. The list in the UI will be updated by calling model#updateFilteredRoomList(Predicate predicate)

  6. The room will be charged by calling model#chargeRoomCost(RoomId roomId, RoomCost roomCost, Stay stay).

  7. If all of the above is successfully executed, this will return a CommandResult object to show success message.

Figure 3. Sequence Diagram for CheckInCommand
Design Considerations

Below describes ideas that were considered when designing the command.

  • Alternative 1 (current choice): Create a stay object which differentiate between the current stay and reservation.

    • Pros: Could easily get the list of current stay.

    • Cons: Requires more planning since we have to maintain 2 list now (stay and reservation).

  • Alternative 2: Store all stay in a reservation object.

    • Pros: Simple to implement.

    • Cons: Could not differentiate between stay and reservation unless there is another instance in the reservation object.

Checkout Command

This command checks out a guest from the hotel by providing a room number.


The folowing steps show how the CheckOut command is implemented.

  1. The command is parsed by CheckOutCommandParser#parse(String args) into list of pattern there (room number).

  2. The CheckOutCommandParser will create CheckOutCommand

  3. CheckOutCommand will call model#checkOut will be called.

  4. The list in the UI will be updated by calling model#updateFilteredRoomList(Predicate predicate)

  5. The room will clean up the previous bill by calling model#deleteBill(RoomId roomId).

  6. If all of the above is successfully executed, this will return a CommandResult object to show success message.

Extend Command

This command extend the booking of a guest by providing room number and end date of the stay.


  1. The command is parsed by ExtendCommandParser#parse(String args) into list of pattern there (room number and end date).

  2. The ExtendCommandParser will create ExtendCommand

  3. ExtendCommand will call model#extendRoom to extend the room in the hotel.

  4. ExtendCommand will call model#chargeExtendRoomCost to charge the room according to the room cost and number of extra nights.

  5. If this is successfully executer, this will return a CommandResult object to show success message.